Estacade de Capbreton, France
Guillaume Z-photographie
Guillaume Z-photographie…
Estacade de Capbreton, France
Michael Gemine
Michael Gemine
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France Estacade de Capbreton

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You must go along the boulevard Francois Mitterrand to the place of the Estacade, and there can not miss it. Top for sunsets !
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Just a few people
Best Timing Sunrise
Sunrise & Sunset 06:48 - 21:35 | current local time: 03:16
Photo Themes Bridge Ocean Sunset

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Spot Comments (3)

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Guillaume Z-photographie
Guillaume Z-photographie 09.06.2015
Welcome Manuel ! Thanks to you for your message ! :)
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 09.06.2015
No problem, I am just honest about your beautiful photos! By the way: If you use the Reply-button under a comment I would also get notified that you answered my comment, just like this is the case on Facebook etc. Thanks again, I really appreciate the spots you share and feel free to add a profile image! ;-)
Manuel Becker Team
Manuel Becker 09.06.2015
Wow, that's a nice place to shoot! Thanks for sharing Guillaume!

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Thank you Guillaume Z-photographie for creating this photo spot in France and Michael Gemine for improving it with additional photos or content.
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