Observatory, Spain
Rudolfo Dalamicio
Rudolfo Dalamicio www.rudolfodalamicio.com
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Spain Observatory

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Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Just a few people
Best Timing Blue hour/nighttime
Sunrise & Sunset 07:24 - 21:00 | current local time: 03:14
Photo Themes Sunset

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Spot Comments (5)

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Jawad Saleem
Jawad Saleem 31.12.2023
Rudolf is correct. 28°18'12.4"N 16°30'56.5"W is Tenerife
Rudolfo Dalamicio
Rudolfo Dalamicio 18.08.2020
mmm really strange... 2nd time this is happening! thanks @alona!
Alona Azaria
Alona Azaria 18.08.2020
ok, now I added a comma (,) after the first group of numbers and it works! great location!
Alona Azaria
Alona Azaria 18.08.2020
Your coordinates are incorrect, they produce a spot in Lybia
Rudolfo Dalamicio
Rudolfo Dalamicio 18.08.2020
in my case it does show tenerife btw

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Thank you Rudolfo Dalamicio for creating this photo spot in Spain.
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