Paria View at Bryce Canyon, USA
Zohaib Khan
Zohaib Khan
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USA Paria View at Bryce Canyon

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Paria View is a good place to watch for Peregrine Falcons. Perhaps they prefer the comparative quietness this overlook offers. In the meadows back down the road from Paria View, Mule Deer and occasionally, Elk can be seen. Keeping to the forest during the day, these animals make their subtle appearance during the twilight hours. In late spring you might also spy the Pronghorn Antelope in these forest meadows. Pronghorn leave the sagebrush prairies north of the park to give birth to their young in the seclusion of the forest.

Photography Tips

Bryce is photographer's paradise. Tripod is a must. Bring wide angle and telephoto lens ranges.

Travel Information

Plenty of parking. Park charges a 7-day fees.
Spot Type Outdoor
Crowd Factor Just a few people
Best Timing All timings are equally good
Sunrise & Sunset 06:26 - 20:43 | current local time: 19:12
Photo Themes Landscape National Park Natural Landscape rock formation rocks

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Thank you Zohaib Khan for creating this photo spot in USA and Mia Pflieger for improving it with additional photos or content.
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