Photography Blog

5 Tools every Landscape Photographer needs

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 9 min read

Real photography mostly isn’t about the equipment you are using when you have at least a certain level of camera you are using. There are some tools though, which will improve the possibilities you have and just make life a little bit easier.

Capture more interesting photos by considering only 1 clue

Florian Schwenk Florian Schwenk
Tips & Tricks · 4 min read

Photography often comes down to just a few points that really matter to have a big impact on the quality of your results. The same applies for the subject you are photographing and how interesting it appears for your viewers.

Inside a camera at 10.000 fps

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 1 min read

Probably one of the best ways to understand how your DSLR works is to see it in slow motion. I thought I knew anything, but this video even got me an aha-moment.

New Feature: Sunrise & Sunset Directions in every Spot

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Changelog · 1 min read

One of the most important things for photographers is to know, when and where the sun is rising or setting. For this reason we have added the exact directions for every spot to make it even easier for you to decide if the spot is good for your planned shooting or not.

How to shoot landscape photos that sell

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 9 min read

At some point in your evolution as a photographer you probably want to sell your photos. Here is everything you need to know on how to earn money with your photography and how to shoot photos that are sellable.

How to get perfect exposures for every photo you take

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 6 min read

The most important element in photography is light and therefor understanding how to capture the full range of light that is within your scene. In this tutorial you will learn how to make sure, that your photos are always exposed correctly during all conditions.

5 easy tricks on how to remove people from photos

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 6 min read

Adobe Photoshop may be a great tool for this issue, but there are things that can help you in advance, especially if there are hundreds of people running around in the scene you want to photograph.

Road to DC-3 plane wreck in Iceland got closed

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
News · 1 min read

This is some pretty bad news for all those Iceland travelers who care about the nature and who respect the locals and their estates.

The difference between the top landscape photographers and everyone else

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 6 min read

Why do other landscape photographers always have these amazing sunsets with a burning sky and the clouds are going crazy? This article is about what they are doing different and what you need to know about their habits.

How I drastically improved my photography with just 2 little decisions

Manuel Becker Manuel Becker
Tips & Tricks · 7 min read

Sometimes already small shifts in your mindset can make a huge difference. This article is about the 2 decisions I made that changed a lot for me.

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